
Illuvium Land: Everything You Need To Know (w/ Kieran Warwick)


Illuvium Land: The NFT that produces more NFTs and tokens that you can own and play in Illuvium: Zero, our mobile and desktop companion game. Landowners generate a residual income by playing a fun game that rewards them for their time.

Illuvium’s official IlluviDex marketplace hosts the Land Sale.

The first Illuvium Land Sale features 20,000 available Land plots. Only 100,000 Illuvium Plots exist.

Tier 1–4 Land plots are sold via Dutch Auction, which has a high starting price and decreases at 2.5% per minute, over two hours or until sold. This helps to address FOMO and botting; additionally, the auction duration helps to reduce the likelihood of a gas war. Tier 1–4 Land plot auctions begin at regular intervals over the three days. ETH or sILV2 may be used to purchase Land, but you can’t use both token types in a single transaction.

Tier 5 Land is sold using an English Auction format. This is a standard auction type with bidders pushing the price upwards with their bid until the auction time limit is reached. This auction shares the same start and end times as the overall Land sale, lasting three days. Bidders can only use ETH for Tier 5 auctions. Only two Tier 5 Lands will be available in this Land sale.

Tier 5 Land is special. It has the greatest amount of resource-sites and Fuel production and features a legendary Arena Landmark. Arenas are extremely rare and are used to host esports tournaments and provide owners with unique opportunities for revenue generation.

Note: Tier 0 Land is not connected to the blockchain, allowing players to explore and play Illuvium: Zero for free without earning potential. Tier 0 Land is not in the auction and is automatically generated for you, at no cost, when you first sign in to the Illuvium: Zero game.

Before you purchase a Land, you already know its Grid Position (location on the map), the Region it belongs to, its Tier level and the corresponding number of Element and Fuel Sites. You do not know which specific Sites are on the Land or the position of these Sites; these are randomly generated upon minting.

The entire process to get Illuvium Land takes place directly on the IlluviDex, the official Illuvium marketplace, without needing to visit any external site. You can browse land using the interactive map and save your favourite Land plots.

Users will need to connect their MetaMask wallet on desktop. Mobile devices may not be used for purchases on the IlluviDex at this time. We are working with our partner IMX to integrate mobile purchasing for the IlluviDex in the future.

Note: For this first land sale on the IlluviDex, the purchase part of the transaction occurs on Ethereum Layer 1 and incurs a standard gas fee. Users need to ensure their MetaMask wallet is loaded with enough ETH to cover this gas fee and either ETH or sILV2 to cover the purchase price of the Land.

After purchase, the minting part of the transaction occurs on IMX Layer 2, and there is no gas fee. This normally takes 5–10 minutes, depending on network congestion. The resulting Illuvium Land NFT is placed in the user’s connected IMX wallet and significantly reduces the overall gas fees spent during this first Land sale.

Revenue Distributions (RevDis) are payments made to stakers of the ILV token. The Illuvium Vault converts all ETH revenue generated from this land sale into ILV tokens and distributes them proportionately to ILV stakers.

The sILV2 used in the Land sale is burned an

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welcome to a special episode of elluvium insider this is going to be the video i wish i had so i don't have to read anything to learn about the elluvium land sale kieran is here with me co-founder of elluvium and the two of us we've talked about it we don't like reading we like listening to uh podcasts we like watching videos to learn and so we're making the video we wish we had to know everything there is to know about alluvium land karen how you doing i'm going pretty good andrew how are you wonderful we're going hard on land right now we've got so much to talk about and so much to share with everyone about elluvium land here's what's on the agenda everybody it's a gigantic agenda we're going to do an overview of land we're going to tell you about elluvium zero the benefits and perks of land regions the different tiers and rarities what's up with multiple lands if you want to purchase multiple mega cities something i'm super interested in renting land out to other people fuel pricing and the land sale with tier one through five land and of course how to buy land holy moly that's a packed agenda but you know what i think we can do it

i hope we can do it i'm so tired let's just get into it let's get into it baby let's go so first of all if you want to be reading every word and every detail further detail than what we're talking about today no problem feel free to go to and we have the in-depth article that goes much further do your own research and you can even click play on an audio version on this article so we're delivering this to you in every format possible educational resource and i'm going to be showing the eluvadex today this will be only the second time ever we've shown it publicly this is a pre-launch build there probably is bugs and glitches and the prices and numbers on there right now are inaccurate we're just showing you the eluvadex so you can get a better feel of how you're going to navigate and find land and use this interface in the actual land sale and of course kieran and i are not financial advisors this is not financial advice you need to do your own research this video is part of that research of course let's just hit up with the explainer video that sets up the basic stage here on what land is how it relates to the elluvium economy and then we'll be right back to go over all of the details is a collectible game and auto battler rolled into one explore our vast open world hunt and capture alluvials and take them into battles as you strategically build your teams to best your opponents eluvium is rich in resource sites that can be used to extract fuel fuel plays a critical role in your journey to catch and upgrade your alluvials in the main game fuel can be harvested on land land is available for purchase with eth or silv2 landowners scan their land in search of alluvials that pass through to make blueprints for new skins elluvium zero is our mobile and desktop companion game where landowners develop and manage purchased land in elluvium zero build your own virtual industrial complex that can extract fuel stored as an erc20 token in your connected wallet fuel is required to play the main game and can be used to accelerate your gameplay or sold on the official eluvia market exchange the illuvidex for revenue elluvium land is finite and organized into five tiers each tier represents a new level of rarity the higher the tier the more fuel that land can generate land will be sold within a dutch auction sale on the eluvadex and you'll need either eth or silv2 tokens in your wallet to purchase in a dutch auction the price of land will be determined by a starting price for each tier the price will decrease over time until purchased to stay up to date with future elluvium land sales register on and join our discord server man i am way too serious in that voiceover that's for sure so in a nutshell in a nutshell karen what is alluvium land so alluvium land is the centerpiece of the elluvium economy it generates all of the fuel and elements that power the main game and we've literally made a mobile game for you to play earn and manage your land alluvium zero is our companion game to alluvium the the main game and essentially what you're trying to do in alluvium zero is maximize the amount of output and extraction of elements and fuel that you can out of the land and that's really important because fuel is what is used for pretty much every in-game transaction in alluvium for example traveling to new regions crafting weapons craft crafting armor curing shards all of that requires fuel and the only way to get fuel is by owning a plot of land in alluvium zero that makes sense and just to give in to people an idea of that sort of gameplay in alluvium zero the mobile and companion game that you'll be able to play your land nft on you're going to be building upgrading extracting producing scanning and trading in this game so think like a town builder game that you can put your land nft into your phone and you're going to be trying to basically improve efficiency and extracting valuable resources on your land through this game and what's really cool about it is some of those resources such as fuel or the blueprint nfts that you get from the elluvium zero game could actually be sold on our louvodex for real revenue which is really really interesting and i love the fact that we have real utility with our land because of this alluvium zero companion game you'd mentioned a moment ago some of the benefits and perks of alluvium land and this graphic kind of gives people an idea of how eluvium land and the fuel and even the game we're talking about alluvium zero fit into the overall economy of eluvium and i think it's really important to highlight this because this is one of the most innovative parts about elluvium is this tokenomics system and how land fits in but can you just give us a run through on this infographic on how all of this works and where land fits in to the elluvium economy absolutely so first thing is participating in the sale in on on june 2nd that's where you can purchase your land nft once you purchase the nfc that's when you can jump into the alluvium zero game it's going to be starting roughly three four weeks after the land sale on that on that land as you just mentioned you want to go through and start creating different structures it's all based around creating the most efficient uh the the most efficient gameplay that you can you need about 20 to 30 minutes a day to optimize the the most amount of output you can out of your land now essentially depending on what type of land plot that you get and the the element sites and the fuel sites that are on your land you'll start to work to extract those elements and the the fuel the elements are required to basically continue building up different structures fuel sites are there for you to extract the kryptons solons and hyperions why they are so important is those three fuels are what powers the economy in alluvium any sort of actions like traveling or curing of shards or crafting requires that fuel and again this is not a situation where someone can purchase it from a random pool or whatever it is only generated through owning alluvium land and so that's why it's so important we're approximating around about five percent of all in-game revenues will come uh we'll stream back to land holders which again you know we're expected to have five 10 million players that's the the demand on the other side for this fuel will be quite considerable if we can achieve those numbers and and yet being being a landholder gives you that agency to go okay when do i want to sell the the fuel into the pool you have a choice of when you actually want to do that and depending on when you do might mean generating more revenue or more profit from that fuel or less profit from that fuel depending on the demand in the main game at the time so it's a little bit fun it makes this it makes it this real world economy the land owners have agency over you know how often they want to sell that fuel in which makes it really exciting and dynamic in terms of the the in-game pricing for alluvium and and yeah that's that's basically how the system works in terms of the the rails that we put this on to make sure that there isn't too much fluctuation in the in-game pricing we've made it so that the maximum that it could fluctuate let's let's call it a let's say a travel to a region is ten dollars the maximum it could fluctuate is 25 either way and we do that because we don't want a situation where landowners are literally withholding selling fuel into the the pool to a point where it's costing you say like 900 or a thousand dollars to travel just purely because there's no resources that would be a little bit crazy so we've we've limited it to a maximum of 12.50 or 7.50 either way that makes sense so what's interesting about illusion land is it's it's like an nft that produces more nfts i know that sounds that's so it's such industry crypto industry jargon but it's true the land itself is going to generate these uh you know fuel uh nfts and it's also these uh blueprint nfts and so that's sort of the revenue generating portion of land and then that fuel can earn you revenue essentially if you choose to sell it on the eluvadex but there are and we're going to talk more about this later there are going to be price controls into place that make sure that that fuel doesn't get crazy expensive and because players need it and if it's too expensive then it'll break the entire economy so that's already been taken into consideration here with how this is designed which is really really interesting i wanted to quickly touch on the scanning for blueprints part because that's something that you can scan for blueprints on tier 1 2 3 4 or five land can you give people an overview of what these blueprints actually are and what their value is obviously you have a singularity scanner on your land you're playing this in alluvium zero the scanner picks up bio data from alluvials that are actually passing through your land once you let's say you do get one of these rare blueprint nfts why is that valuable and why is that interesting so blueprints are important because they're super rare now what you can do with that blueprint is you can mint armor so for example if the alluvial that you pick up is a ram fire right it's it's gone past your land the scanners picked it up you then research the the bio data you create that blueprint that's going to be a ram fire based armor blueprint right so you will be the only person in the world that can create that piece of armor now the cool thing about that is you get to set the price it's whatever you want right you don't have to sell it to someone you might be the only person who who wants that right and so you go you know i'm not going to give this to anyone else so i can have that exclusivity it's again it's a cosmetic skin that that you're bringing into the game so it doesn't have any effect in terms of balancing but it is it's a flex it's like your fortnite skins except instead of the publisher as in fortnite creating that skin and determining how many they create and all of that it's literally down to the person who owns that blueprint the the owner of that land nft right they decide what's the pricing they decide how how much supply am i going to create if i'm going to create any at all and and then you also have the ability to say okay i've had this blueprint i've been creating this these uh this specific armor for a while now i've you know i've sold a few and now actually i think it's time for me to let it go and there'll be someone else out there maybe someone who creates like blueprint factories right who's literally out there to try and get as many blueprints as possible because that's their business model and they would be happy to purchase your blueprint so you might then offload your blueprint and you'd be able to fetch a very very high price for it because now you're not just selling the piece of armor that you you minted from having the blueprint you're literally giving them the thing that can create an unlimited amount of this piece of armor so that's what we're talking about this is the nft that helps you make more nfts so it gives you a blueprint so you can control the market if you will for skins that's wild it's almost like like you're saying you're you're the developer and publisher almost in this case where like you decide whether the market gets any of these skins you could say zero or whatever maybe it'd say zero yeah you could or you could just mint them and then sell them yourself so it's like you're almost like able to set up shop here like an elluvium skins shop that's so cool i just wanted to emphasize that point so it's not just it's not just playing alluvium zero on land getting fuel and maybe selling it on the eluvadex for cash these blueprints allow you to offer products essentially to the market if you choose these skins products and they're ultra rare so cool i love that aspect of land and that's tier one through five guys so even if you're getting tier one land you have the potential to get these ultra rare blueprint nfts of course you you can build a singularity scanner on tier one two three four and five but there's no advantage there's no benefit uh there's there's no additional production that you can get from your scanner on a tier five plot versus tier 1 plot and that's really really important for the smaller guys out there who can't afford a tier 2 3 4 and 5 plot if you want to get into that game of creating blueprints and and eventually a blueprint skin factory as you're saying then you can do it by purchasing the tier one land which i think is really good and it includes a lot more people that's great so that means that whales aren't the only ones that can participate in this sort of element of the economy uh that you know folks that can really throw down for tier four and tier five land folks that are just grabbing one little piece of tier one land they can participate potentially in this and maybe they could get lucky and get one of these rare blueprint nfts and maybe that could pay long-term dividends for them if they decide to work that or they could say you know what i don't want to bother with these blueprint nfts i don't i'll just sell the blueprint right and then they can just give that business model to someone else i love the fact that players have that autonomy as opposed to just legacy gaming where whatever skins show up in the shop you pay up you don't own anything and if you decide to uninstall you're screwed it's totally different it's just mind-blowing when you realize you become sort of the publisher almost of content in this case where you're pocketing the financial benefit of these in-game skins it's wildly interesting i love that all of these land plots obviously take place and you're going to get a real piece of different regions in alluvium and those regions are vastly different from each other and it'll actually affect the look of your land when you're playing the elluvium zero game and so as you can see on the screen right here this is the way that like the ground will sort of look if you will if you decide to purchase land in let's say crimson waste up here crimson waste is a desert region for the most part it has other areas and so when you play your land if you buy land in crimson waste it'll actually be in the eluvian zero game in crimson waste and so you'll actually see that deserty terrain and you'll be able to literally physically see the difference of the way your land looks in crimson waste versus let's say you take it to the halcyon sea and it's going to have a completely different look in that space so you're not just getting some generic land nft that doesn't actually have some sort of like spatial meaning it'll actually be in these regions and you will see it on the freaking screen now obviously our regions uh will be more fully experienced through our over world gameplay when you actually go out there jump around as the ranger and fully explore the overworld but i wanted to highlight this because this is connecting uh that sort of sense of place and that sense of region to both the elluvium zero mobile and companion game and the overworld experience as well yeah so the the other cool thing is if you have a favorite alluvial for example the singularity scanner is obviously picking up whichever alluvials come past your land and so there are some alluvials that are more commonly found in regions so for example ram fire you're going to find it more in the crimson waste same thing with fury ox is is going to be in crimson waste but then in the halcyon c you might find squeeze there because it's more water-based alluvial and so that's important because when you're scanning and you're trying to find these blueprints you got to remember that you're picking you're picking up that bio data so when you create that blueprint it's specific to that alluvial so like the ram fire as we know he's red he's orange he's fury he's like all that that that crazy fire stuff that's what you're going to see in your skin so if you're trying to pick up a blueprint of squiz because you think it's going to be the most popular then you might decide hey i'm i'm going to purchase my land in the halcyon sea for example that's great so not only as these visualizations are showing us right here will your land look different but the potential of you getting these blueprint nfts and skin and getting certain alluvials will vary from region to region as well adding even more uniqueness to selecting a specific region and then choosing uh that region for whatever land that you're purchasing which makes sense and personally i don't want to miss out so my personal strategy is to buy one tier one in every region because i want to have like personally i'm a collector like from an investment standpoint i don't care i just want to have one in each region because i also don't want to miss out on being able to scan and find potentially fine blueprint nfts for all of these alluvials like you're describing having land in multiple regions can make sense for the reason that you just stated and speaking of which you'll be able to check out the different regions in the eluva decks and be able to actually navigate those and let's just quickly show everybody what we mean by that this gives you an even better idea of kind of the sense of place if you will that all this land has and you'll be able to kind of shop for land based on region by the way i'm going to show you in a moment we have an entire live stream that we did deep dive with our concept art team going into the lore and some of the really cool aspects of these regions and also karen i know you put together some articles going into these regions as well if you want to learn more deeply about each of them not just how they look and where they're at on the map so this is the eluvadex the numbers you see here are inaccurate i'm just showing you this for navigation purposes but here at the top just pick a region kieran and let's dive in and show everyone how they can take a look around in the eluvadex what do you want to look at right now ah let's go to the crystal shores awesome so i'm just doing this drop down menu clicking on crystal shores and it's going to zoom me straight into crystal shores and here i'll be able to see on the map all of the different plots of land that are available and of course it's going to be in a list format as well and you can choose to dive into each of them each of them being color-coded so let's say i was interested in this particular land i would click it it loads up this land plot and its information and it has this specific location it tells you what the tier of that land is what its landmark is the element sites fuel sites pricing and the whole nine and as you're looking through the iluva decks and kind of shopping for land if you will you can favorite some of them uh and kind of keep them in your shopping list if you will if you're planning if you kind of have your eye on certain land in these in these regions and we also have sorting features too for people that want to look at uh time ascending and descending uh because this is a dutch auction we'll talk more about that later and also lowest price and highest price as well as other filtering options of what's coming soon expired various tiers of land etc so you don't have to randomly just look at squares here in these regions to try to figure out what you're going to get and what you want you've got tons of filtering options so you can find precisely what you're looking for and what's cool is if you zoom out here just on crystal sample you will see where that land is relative to all seven regions of alluvium which is great and then you can just kind of zoom in to any region that you'd like and go find land literally exactly where it's at here on the grid which is really really cool these are in batches and so you still will have the ability even if it's not on sale yet you can still go and search favorite it get your strategy set in stone so you're like okay these are the five plots that i'm going to go after you might add maybe another 10 as backups if they get taken or they're purchased at a higher price than you felt comfortable with but this interface is designed to make people be able to build their strategy obviously we're going to touch on mega cities later which means you know you need to purchase the land uh adjacent to each other in in two by two and three by three plots and so we didn't want this situation where it was just like a a massive frenzy of you know just clicking on the same tile tile to hotel and everyone's rushing to pick it up it's like take your time choose the land that you want and this sort of a ux and ui just makes it i i personally have never seen any nft sale whether it be land or pfps or whatever that has gone to this amount of detail so like the florian and and stephen from the ux and ui team they've done a impeccable job here perfect and and just to give you guys a little bit of extra color on the regions if you're somebody who enjoys lore and you want to understand what the sense of space is and what have you we did an entire regions explored stream uh that you can take a look at with roger our lead concept artist and in the stream we literally go through each of the regions in deep detail if you want to get more of the idea of the sense and the feel and where all this land is relative to each other and as you can see this concept art is out of this world looking and the regions are just it's just bananas and so if you're if you're at if you're at all interested in understanding the sense of place for each of the pieces of land you're considering purchasing watch this piece of content and it is the it is the number one authoritative piece of content to help you get an idea of what that sense of place truly is this leads us to and you just saw in the illuvidex there were many different tiers of land each of these little squares you could click in there you saw tier one two three four and five what do those tiers mean even we'll just take a look up close in this video


tiers one through five land they not only look different and look cool in a video but they have different attributes that we're going to talk about right now tier one land obviously our cheapest land that's out there it's got a starting price of two eth and and obviously we'll touch on that later but that that rapidly goes down there in terms of what's on that land site you know that it's going to come with three element sites for you to extract from and one fuel site so you'll be what you don't know is the the types of sites that you'll get and we we like that because we think adding that little bit of randomness makes it a little bit more exciting if you get because obviously a tier one only has a single fuel site if for whatever reason the fuel that you're able to generate isn't the most sought after in the main game then you do have the ability to build a structure that actually allows you to convert your fuel so you don't need to worry like oh i missed out and i got the bad fuel site even though there is no bad fuel site um there is that opportunity as well in terms of the opportunity to convert right got it yeah yeah in terms of landmarks there's none on on the tier ones and you don't get any uh production boost on on a tier one but you do though just to clarify with tier one land you get this you get the same opportunity as anybody else to scan for those blueprint nfts and that's something that i want to highlight for everybody here about tier one land so if you're looking at it you're like no production boost none of these cool landmarks but the blueprint nfts are still able to be scanned here and you can choose which region you're going to buy tier one land in to potentially obviously have different uh chances to scan for different blueprint nfts uh so just want to clarify that that major benefit is locked and loaded here so tier two is different though so what makes tier two land uh let's say uh better yeah so on a tier two you've got six element sites and you've got three fuel sites so quite a bump in in the number of uh of sites that you can actually extract value from also no landmark but a tier 2 has a 33.3 production boost so you you're getting a little bit more out of each of the element sites and each of the fuel sites that you have on your land let's see you get a baseline production boost here on tier 2 land but as you move up to tier 3 land you're going to get a significant production boost and a unique landmark tell us about tier three yeah so tier three you're looking at uh nine element sites tf uh sorry uh and and six fuel sites which again significant upgrade there it does come with an element landmark and you get a hundred percent production boost so we're talking a a very very very massive increase here and these landmarks are right here in these graphics in the center here so this crater looking thing is the landmark we're talking about begin production boost 100 percent obviously an element landmark is going to specifically boost element aspect of your production whereas as we move to tier 4 land now you're looking at a different landmark in the center as you guys saw from the video a fuel landmark so tell us about tier four land yeah so this is the this is one of the big puppies you've got uh 12 element sites on this and nine fuel sites you've got as you just mentioned it comes with one fuel landmark and the production boost is 300 for that that's bananas that's an insane production there's that's literally video game numbers production boost here so for those of you that are looking for uh the tier of land that's going to max out fuel output tier 4 land is obviously designed to be that with the fuel landmark right here in the center of the land a pretty massive piece of land but it's nothing in comparison to tier v land which is the most unique and the most rare of all land tell us about it alrighty so you've got 15 element sites on this so as you can see that that plot is completely stacked you've got 12 individual fuel sites on on the tier 5. now the landmark that you're seeing in the middle of that is an arena and they are very very special because that's where we're going to host all of our all of elluvium's official esports tournaments as you know we've spoken about it a lot we're planning on putting down some very very large prize pools that are designed to get mainstream gamers that are playing you know games like dota and team fight tactics right now get them across into our game and the super cool thing is you as a landowner get to literally host those tournaments with that you have the ability to on sell a whole bunch of of marketing with that like naming rights sponsorship and uh and and all of the the different things that that come with running an event like that including advertising revenue all of it goes back to the land owner and uh you can do one of two things there you can sort of i've had conversations with people who are looking to buy tier v land for themselves as in it might be a guild that's looking for that uh that extra that extra boost in in in the space the exposure of having that many people looking at their brand and then i've spoken to other people that uh you know vcs out there that are more interested in just owning it and keeping it as an asset for 15 20 years they don't want to deal with having to put on events have to deal with sponsorships and advertisements and stuff and their plan is to literally on sell the the hosting of those tournaments and and the naming rights and so they will find a partner once a year maybe they find an exchange maybe they find a guild and they just sell the the yearly rights to the stadium and over time their plan is to to recuperate what their their upfront cost is plus then you always have the the ability to to sell that that land as well that makes sense so just to summarize with all of these landmarks and we're gonna go a little deeper on tier five land later on but just to summarize tier one and tier two land have no landmarks tier 3 land has the element landmark tier 4 land has the fuel landmark and then tier 5 land has the arena landmark so that's what's unique about these land that's like the big unique feature of each of these tiers of land outside of the number of element sites and the number of fuel sites steadily increasing as you move up in the tiers of land but wait there's more so here's something that blew me away but you can have multiple lands and you can own and play them so tell tell us a little bit about this so a lot of people think well maybe i just have to choose one well you don't have to just choose one right yeah so the cool thing is that you're able to buy multiple plots of land and you can control that on a single device so let's say you want to buy land in like yourself in all seven different regions you can do that you can still play each each one of those plots and manage them it it each plot takes about 20 to 30 minutes to manage so seven is is going to get up there i would be a little bit concerned with your work output at that point my wife loves town builder games so my plan is to put all my nfts on them on my loom zero and then just give it to her and then she can work all the land for me she likes it there we go so uh so yeah she she can do all of that on on a single device and uh and yeah got it so that's multiple lands so people could buy as many as they want essentially and then play would like or play none of them it's up to them what they want to do with the land right we can't make anybody play play a video game which you should want to um but there's a separate concept which is mind-boggling called mega cities now i know we're early on this and we're only communicating a little bit about mega cities right now but what is the concept of mega cities so mega cities came from the idea of us wanting to to give give people more right like if if you go out and you purchase a whole bunch of plots yes you can individually manage them and yes that's fun but we think it takes it to a whole other level in terms of the way that the open market works and also the way that you can actually uh produce on your land and we think if you have multiple plots that are close to each other that you should be able to connect them that makes sense right and so the first expansion allows you to connect up a two by two plot and a three by three plot this may be increased later but essentially if you have those those four plots of land adjacent to each other you can connect them and convert it into a mega city why that is so important is uh for two reasons the first is the actual output that you can get out of that land we just spoke about landmarks when you are combining four sets of four pieces of land let's say you've got three tier ones and one tier four that tier 4 is going to have the fuel landmark on it now your other tier 3s don't have any landmark but once you connect them up as a mega city they gain access to that landmark so all of a sudden you've got a massive production fuel production boost and yes it's only you've only got a single fuel site on each of the tier ones but with a 300 production boost all of a sudden it's like you have three plots there are three fuel sites on on those singular plots so that obviously makes it very advantageous for people who have multiple plots to to start creating these mega cities why that's a cool benefit to the entire ecosystem is yes that person gets a massive amount of output out of that but there might be a little guy who's only got is only a single plot holder that is holding one of those four plots that you need so you might have the tier four plot and you've got two of the other adjacent tier one plots but there's a single plot there where just one guy out there or girl owns and she's just happy just working her land creating that you know that production's fine for her and then all of a sudden you get this big mogul guy who comes along this big whale and he says well i want to create this mega city i want to go and and you know i want to i want the most output i can get out of my fuel sites sell me your piece of land and then that person's like well i know that they're wanting it for their mega city so i'm gonna put a ridiculously large premium on you being able to purchase my land so it again it brings a huge amount of value to the little guys out there who i see you know and and and it was actually my idea and the reason is i just kind of like a little bit of anarchy right as as as this is just like real life right like when a major land developer comes in or a developer comes into like a downtown area in a real life city there's that local business that's there or there's that guy that bought that land 40 years ago that's sitting on it and they could if they wanted to fetch a premium price for their little shop in the middle of downtown because the guy wants to make some mega the land developer wants to make a megaplex there this is reflecting real life real estate economy concepts i really really like this and so this can reward people um even more so uh for for purchasing plots in various areas so i like this from my personal strategy but also um it allows people to become more organized and to think about having adjacent plots of land next to each other in the land sale itself really quick we should say the mega cities feature needs to be fully built out and it is kind of like subject to change right uh in terms of the different features here so we need to qualify all of this with that but that means that people today especially the ones that are looking to make a mega city should want to be considering purchasing multiple adjacent lands maybe in the first land sale potentially and thinking about putting together that monopoly if you will right now and getting it all close together that's really really interesting 100 yeah i mean if you can if you can make a mega city again it depends what someone charges you for for that plot of land but you're almost definitely going to make it up and to be honest the person who is sitting there on the tier one they've got a choice to make too like yes you might be attached to your land or whatever else like that but if you can clearly see that hey this is gonna increase production for this other person and it's gonna make them an extra four or five times what they were making in in their land well i'm gonna tap into that i'm gonna i'm gonna cash in off that and yeah i'm not gonna go crazy to the point where the person goes well it's i'm just not going to be able to recuperate how much i'm spending but you should be able to come to an agreement with with this landowner of the the single tier plot that you want to get where it's advantageous to both of you so it doesn't need to be a bad situation like that those typical developers that come in and try and kick people out of their homes and stuff it's it should be a negotiation where it's like okay let's work out you know what's what's it worth to you sweet you know that means that i'm getting four or five times what i paid for it as a little guy that's amazing for me and yeah sure you can go off and and now start you know guzzling down your your fuel because you have a mega city but that's fine for me what's also inspired by real life real estate is the concept of land rental and so tell us about this i know we're kind of very early on talking about details around land rental but what is this and who would who would be truly interested in a land rental concept and who is this for yeah so again this is this is more for the larger land plot holders it's for people that are time poor they've got a lot of money to invest they realize that gaining access to five percent of the in-game revenues in alluvium is a very very big thing and it's an awesome investment right for for someone however when you tell them okay you know sweet you've convinced me i'm going to drop a million dollars on on land i think i'm going to be able to recuperate it but that's going to cost you you know 50 hours a day of actually maintaining these land plots that's when it starts going okay well how i don't have time to do that and so comes this rental platform which allows anyone to go on and say you can lease out my land plot you can accumulate all the fuel that you want when they sell that you've organized a profit split that can be customizable it's it's whatever you want it's a again a negotiation between yourself and the person who's renting out your land but the idea is let's say the the owner keeps 70 and the person who's leasing and keeps 30 or maybe it's 50 50. but either way you've got one person who's making a passive income who doesn't need to do anything to manage this land and then you've got the people who are happy who don't have the the necessarily the capital up front to go and spend you know one two eth on on a land plot they get access to it they can slowly accumulate some revenue through selling fuel over time and yes they don't make as much as someone would if if they owned it themselves but maybe they build themselves up they're still earning 50 or 30 percent well just like an airbnb or just like a verbo or just like you know buying an income property you know if you if you aren't living in it yourself if you aren't using it yourself directly and maybe you're using a management company or you're using a third-party platform to get more uh to get some sort of income or yield out of it you lose some profit or you lose some of the yield in the process but you don't have to bother with it anymore if you will and somebody else is going to take care of that for you but for a fee if you will uh so it's a similar con it's kind of like airbnb for metaverse land almost is that fair to say fair enough yeah yeah kind of like that yeah i love this concept we're going to be releasing more details on this in the future things like mega cities and land rental um are subject the features are subject to change and of course our council needs to approve the the details of these items but i love that concept for people that are like you're mentioning that are time poor things some people just want to invest in this land as like a just an investment and maybe it's some big shot executive somewhere right are they really gonna spend 30 to 45 minutes per day like pulling fuel off of their tier four land or like hold on a second uh to their executive assistant i'm gonna i mean come on no i love this concept for because it allows for all sorts of people people that want to play the eluvian xero mobile game and people that just want to purely make an investment you choose right it just gives choice to everybody on how they want to participate yeah and it's it's not a small thing like the the the fact of the matter is that right now players uh play and earn games they're they're mainly either scholars right now or whatever word you want to use for for people that are utilizing other people's assets or their investors right we don't have that that pure gamers in here in the web 3 space yet and uh and so yeah this this rental program is specifically tailored to the exact audience that we have in our space right now so it's it's absolutely critical and yes do do i think we'll get players in in the future that love city builder games that that actually would like to sit there for 10 hours a day managing 20 different plots yes i do but uh for for now we need to cater to our audience and write you know as i said that's big-time investors and and other people who can't necessarily afford to to buy a plot up front so this gives them the ability to to play and earn without putting any upfront capital which is pretty crazy i love it just gives it just gives folks in the market more choices on how they want to participate with land or not i love that now earlier on you talked about fuel pricing and fuel controls and that sort of thing as relates to land and i want to go a little bit more into this so everybody can understand because obviously fuel price um it impacts the main eluvian overworld and arena game economy and so the system that you've come up with is a fuel price control system where the fuel can go plus or minus 25 of the intended price so can you help me understand how this uh how this is going to impact land owners and is this something that they're going to have to constantly be looking at their phone on discord to understand what the price is and understand what's going on here or is this something more automatic can you guys can you just give everybody kind of an understanding of how fuel price controls uh what will kind of play out and and what the intention is behind this yeah absolutely so it was actually aaron who came up with this system and it's it's really really cool because it gives agency to the landowners it gives them a little bit uh a little bit more of a dynamic experience where it's not just so monotonous and and you're just looking and it's kind of like okay i sell fuel and it's the same price all the time no matter what right like we wanted some variability there we wanted some excitement and so the way that it works is depending on the demand on the other side in terms of like let's let's pull out travel for example if we have a massive amount a massive rush of players that come into the main game and they start traveling heaps and so there's a there's a demand for that specific fuel type what's going to happen is you're going to see that price go up and as the landowners who are extracting that fuel type see that they're going to go okay well i'm getting a high premium for my fuel right now so it's a good time to sell so i'm going to go in and dump all of my fuel now because it's at the highest price now what happens with that is because you've just dumped a whole bunch of of that specific fuel type into this balancer pool which which holds all three of the the fuel types that specific function will make the travel in the main game cheaper now because there's all of a sudden an abundance of fuel then you might find that players in the main game are like oh my god you know fuel's super cheap now so you see them start like hammering tons and tons of travels in a day and all of a sudden the if the average person was traveling 10 times a day because it's gone down in price they're gonna go hey i'm taking advantage of that now maybe they start traveling 12 times a day but that's going to mean that people are going to need more shards when they go into the main game shards require a different type of fuel that's going to increase the demand for that type of fuel which makes the land owners go okay now now that's got a super high premium so i'm going to sell that fuel type in and where it gets interesting for the landowners is they need to figure out how do i get the most how do i get the largest premium from my fuel and it might even be the case that they need to convert their fuel right if for whatever reason no one's crafting anything in the main game or craft there's a lull in crafting for for whatever reason right like maybe after six months people are like hey you know i've got enough weapons or whatever like who knows but if if that is the case then that fuel type is going to be less in demand than the fuel that is required for traveling and curing shards so then if you're sitting there and you're like well my fuel site only only produces that type of fuel that's solons for example but you need hyperions because that's what were is is required for curing shards you're going to then on your land actually convert the fuel there's there's about a five ten percent loss in converting it but you're still it's your job to go well i'm getting half the price for the my solons hyperions are double that right like i'm gonna take the five ten percent loss from converting that fuel type and sacrifice it and then i'm gonna sell hyperions into the pool which will give me that that more premium price awesome so it allows for a dynamic economy where people can choose to pay attention to fuel prices or not but if you do and you pay attention to what's going on in the economy and with pricing then you can benefit more and it allows for further optimization of how you use your land so it basically gives depth to the strategy behind how you play alluvium zero how you manage your multiple pieces of land and how you uh decide to kind of min max land and so this kind of gives they give this gives all you spreadsheet warriors and all the folks out there they're going to make these like in-depth guides i you know who i'm talking to right now you know who you are you guys have the opportunity with this sort of pricing and this sort of dynamic economy to figure out this week or today this is the best way to utilize land or to sell uh into land and it allows for bull and bear mark mini bull and bear markets within illuvium's own micro economy here and that to me is fascinating i love and we're seeing this theme with how hours as we're talking this through with owning multiple pieces of land like mega cities rentals fuel pricing this very much reflects the way that real life economies work and the and how dynamic and interesting that can be if you're interested in that and you want to go that deep alluvium land provides that opportunity or you could just completely ignore it buy the nft and just sit on it and revisit it in five years you choose i love the choice that people get when it comes to alluvium land yeah it's it's fascinating like when i when i came to aaron and i said hey you know we need to sell land he he was like god i hate you like seriously like we don't need to sell land and i was like look the problem is everyone's doing it like this is like back 12 18 months ago now and he's and he's like man like we are doing a triple a game like we've we we've gone down that path now like we don't need to do land and i was like look please like can we just please can we do it and as you know like you've seen that guy work he's he's crazy him and johnny came up with this entire system like the fuel system is so complex so in-depth the way that we're utilizing a a multi-token pool like this it's just like and he comes back after like two days and he's like yeah like what do you think and i'm like what do you think i think like now we're talking like this is amazing like this gives you know so much power to land holders and obviously you know if we do a really really good job like the the the ability for those prices to fluctuate sits on the the land holders right now we've put it on rails so that it can't deviate more than 25 either way as i was saying but i don't even think it's going to go anywhere close to that because if you think about it if we have the demand in the main game of players wanting these different fuels it creates an arbitrage opportunity that will be attacked by people that don't care about the game they don't care about alluvium zero they don't care about eluvian but they just see okay if i buy fuel here and i wait until the the appreciation of people in the main game of wanting to go and travel or buy shards all i need to do is just hold on to these different types of fuels and sell them if at one point one goes down i can convert them across and i think that it's probably going to get to a stage where you see a min max of like two percent either way and you know like you start getting into a stage where it's like you got to consider fees and stuff like that but then it's on immutable x right so there's no fees for you to go in and start converting back and forth so like the the arbitrage play there is going to be open season for everyone of course we don't know that and so given that it's such an important factor now that we've literally embedded this through the entire economy we do need to make sure that fuel can't fluctuate more than 25 but again i seriously doubt it's gonna go anywhere past like two percent either way yeah so it opens up possibilities for arbitragers and swing traders uh in in a more proper economy which i love free economies and i'm sure a lot of people out there that are in the d5 space love free economy concepts most importantly with more economic activity more economic actors that are a part of the fuel economy in the land economy here the better the price discovery is and the quicker you get to the truth on what fuel is truly worth on a daily hourly basis and i love that about having high having the potential for high activity and highly motivated actors within the land and alluvium economy we need to talk about the land sale though because this thing is happening soon june 2nd through june 5th i'm not even going to pretend to be able to translate to all of you guys what that is in utc look it up but there there's the dates and times this is thing this is when this thing is starting and ending and let's go over the details of the sale itself because there are some intricacies here that people need to be aware of the timing we just mentioned a moment ago the total duration is three days and land is going to be sold in batches so can you help us understand what's going to happen there there's batches these batches are releasing on an hourly basis tell us about that help people understand how the land is going to be rolled out in terms of auction uh the total duration is three days as you just said we're starting on june 2nd 1pm utc i think that converts at like 6 a.m for pst and like maybe 9 a.m for eastern if if you're in america uh in terms of the amount of plots per batch so there's 282 plots now this is a a batch of all different types of tiers except for the tier fives they start at the beginning of the cell and they go all the way through for the whole three days so the important thing there is you don't need to worry about being online at a certain time where we're like going through and selling all of the tier ones at once all of the tier twos at once and then all like what it's done in batches that have all different types of tears at all different times of the day to reduce the amount of fomo what we don't want is people going in there in a frenzy it's literally we're releasing a batch every single hour on the hour for three days right that it encompasses all of them so there's no need to go okay i'm gonna stay up like 85 energy drinks for the entire three days so i can i mean you can do that if you're really really looking to get specific land plots and like you're waiting and you know when they're about to be released and stuff like that but the idea is for like the general person that just wants to pick up a plot or two you know that's it nothing crazy you don't need to worry about being there at a set time or or anything like that you can relax just choose which plot you want and uh and and yeah it's it's made really really easy like we we truly truly have designed this in a way to reduce fomo like as crazy as that sounds as as one of the co-founders of this and a person who's trying to get as much value as possible we we genuinely don't want people to fomo in and that's why the sale is set up like that makes sense and it's a dutch auction and so the duration of each batch if you will here and we'll talk about the dutch auction in a moment is two hours so every hour a new batch is released and then that batch will last for two hours and then it will be it will be sold at some point and during that period of time and so there's new batches constantly rolling out and rolling out and rolling out and rolling out over the course of the three days just wanted to illustrate that point and what's rolling out this is what's rolling out there's a total of 100 000 plots of land total but in the sale only 20 000 will be made available in this first sale let's not go over every single tier here but as you can see there's more of the tier ones here and there's only two of the tier fives at the top so obviously there's an increasing rarity of land as you go up the tiers which of course is why the price is reflective uh a higher higher starting price for each tier rarity plays into that in addition to those extra yield and production elements that we talked about before but here's something that i really wanted to highlight are these dutch auction starting prices that are right over here so you mentioned don't fomo in earlier not financial advice but what we're trying to say is we've designed this so you you are discouraged from fomoing in so let's just dial in on these dutch auction starting prices here did the council purposefully choose higher prices if you will higher prices than what we anticipate market value to be to find true price discovery what was the decision making behind these prices that we see right here yes absolutely so we actually had a situation where we we as the team proposed a set of prices and the council stepped in and said hey we think that those starting prices are too cheap we need to increase them you might be sitting there thinking that's insane why would you do that and the way that a dutch auction works is it goes backwards from its starting price right so an english auction typically goes upwards this one goes backwards and or downwards and uh in the the decay curve that we've set is very very rapid so essentially a tier one plot after 30 minutes and remember they're going to be up for a total of two hours but after 30 minutes a tier one goes down to about 1.1 eth right so it nearly hides in price in literally 30 minutes at a rate of 2.5 per minute a minute so these prices are just going down down down down down over time here guys that's what you're referring to when you say don't fomo in if the price is going down by 2.5 percent per minute that means that it's going to be cascading down and then at some point the market will say okay that's what that tier of land is actually worth and then that's the actual value right correct yeah and and so that's why you know it's it's kind of weird to go like and some people who who don't understand what a dutch auction is they look at that and they think why is that so expensive right like it's the starting price is insane if we don't put the starting price higher than what we deem people or the the fair market value what's going to happen is everyone's going to try and purchase immediately as soon as the sale starts right like let's say we put these these plots at you know point three or whatever in tier ones like we i think we had it at point five eight to start off with and this is when it was like 4k so they were about two grand at the time which is about uh half the price that they were now the council stepped in and said at that price literally everyone is just going to buy immediately you might think what's wrong with that right the problem with that is that everyone is trying to buy the same plots of land and that's how you create this massive gas war that doesn't need to occur right like we don't need to have that fomo there where everyone's launching into it what we've done is we've said okay let's let's inflate those prices let's let's position them to be really really high and rapidly decrease them that way everyone has the ability to sit back and go okay i've got two hours to look at this and when i feel comfortable based on my own financial situation i can go i can click buy and know that i'm going to be able to purchase that land this was put into place the dutch auction was put into place to help people uh find be able to purchase land at its true market value and what he's referring to if you've never done a land sale before or bid on nfts but high demand nfts before the gas board he's talking about is if multiple people are going after the same nft at the same time whoever pays the most money in ethereum gas fees wins so that gets stupid you're willing to pay 200 karen i'll pay 300. you know you're willing to pay uh you know 500 i'll pay a thousand like people start stepping over each other and just blowing a bunch of money to get something we are trying to avoid that we don't want people to be wasting their time and their effort and their hard-earned money on battling each other over blockchain gas fees like that's the dumbest thing i could think of we want people to get land at true market value period and so that's why the price is decaying like this that was our thinking behind this we want the regular everyday average person if they're interested to be able to buy land so that whales can't just whale out on gas and just scoop everything up and then basically control the market we want regular people to be able to own land is that fair to say 100 percent absolutely and it ties back into our ethos that we we are community first right we're we're not a lot of people say have said to us why don't you just go out and just put those prices you know you're going to sell out you know you've got nearly 200 000 people that have registered for this land like just do that like maximize the revenue and the fact is we don't want to be sitting here in a week's time going okay we just wasted 100 million dollars of people's gas or some ridiculous number that's you know that just doesn't stay true to what alluvium is you know we're always going to try and minimize the amount that the community needs to spend to gain access to our staff that's the tier one through four style of auction that dutch auction style we talked about a moment ago with price decay however there are two tier five lands that will be auctioned in a normal english-style auction and so these tier five lands will go up for sale at the beginning of the land sale and then they'll be closing out at the end of the land sale so kieran this is like your standard auction right you know just you you bit a certain amount i can outbid you the next guy can outbid him the next guy can outbid him and it's just bidding from the ground up with tier v land versus tier one through four it's starting from the top down so this is the basically the complete opposite tier five land is being auctioned in the complete opposite way essentially is that fair to say yeah we're from the community perspective from the little guys perspective maximizing the amount that we sell these uh these land plots for the tier fives is in everyone's best interest because as you know 100 of the revenues from this land sale are going back to the people who are staked in the protocol that's why we're creating an auction style that will create fomo that does have a mechanism where if someone bids with 10 seconds to go it increases the amount of time on the auction counter which i probably should have let you know because that means that this sale the tier ones to fours might end at the three day mark but the tier fives could be going for a little bit longer and uh oh boy we had some marketing activities planned around the end of the land sale so you're saying tier five land people could just keep outbidding each other and outbidding each other and now bidding each other and it could continue to extend the tier five auction yeah i mean for an extended period of time yeah i mean i highly doubt it's going to be like more than a couple of hours like that would be i've seen some open sea auctions like that where they extend by like 45 minutes or an hour something like that but uh but yeah it's just another mechanism to try and create that fomo which is really really weird to uh to say because nothing we ever do is is designed that way but this is a piece of land that that for the dow for the community we want to try and maximize the the amount of the sale price i don't know man i like how straight up you are about it like you know you're just letting everybody know what you're trying to do with this land and it does benefit all of the ilv stakers out there when this land sale is over the eth that is spent in the land sale is going to be distributed back to ilv stakers through revenue distribution and we're going to cover this in a moment but that tier 5 land can only be purchased with eth so as you guys can see it truly is designed to do what karen is saying here right we're trying to get people to spend as much on eath on this tier v land as possible so that can go back in the pockets of the regular everyday average ilv staker let's talk about where everybody's going to find all of this land we covered this a moment ago and i just we showed you earlier the eluvadex marketplace and you can navigate around the marketplace and you can find all the land by tears and all the filters that we showed you earlier don't need to cover that again as you saw the interface is extremely intuitive you literally pick your tier of land your region you can zoom in and out of the map it's so intuitive so clean so simple we're really excited for people to use this marketplace i think the team crushed it with how simple and easy to understand the interface is but that is where you will be buying land is through the eluvadex eluvadex eluvadex and let's talk about what you're going to need to have in your wallet to be able to buy any of these types of land it's different with tier one through four land versus tier v land so as you can see on the screen here you can purchase tier one through four land using either eth or or not and or silv2 and you can't use both in a single transaction right so let's run through an example scenario here karen to help everybody understand this so let's say my wallet right now is loaded with both eth and silv2 i see that tier one land i'm looking to buy in the land sale i go ahead and i decide that i want to purchase at that moment when i decide when i want to purchase i'm going to have to decide what either to use my eth or my silver at the moment of purchase so you either purchase it with eth or with srv2 that's the that's the only two options i've actually never seen any protocol offer a an acceptable like a dual currency for for purchasing a single item but it's it's pretty interesting but yeah we we don't have that either so it's it's literally if if you're purchasing an srv2 then you need to buy the entire plot using that srv2 if you're purchasing an eat same thing it has to be all in eighth that makes sense so everybody out there that's doing the math on which what you want you can't pay fifty percent of the bill with ease fifty percent of the bill with silv2 it's all one or all the other as you guys can see from this whole presentation we want to give everyone as much choice and control on how they participate in our economy as possible but this time guys just wanted to walk through this basic example if i'm purchasing that tier one i've been talking about i'm gonna have to choose either silv2 or eth and then with that transaction i'm gonna have to pay eth for the gas fee to purchase however correct after the purchase is done i don't need to pay any more eth gas fees after that because the actual minting of the nfts is going to be on imx and so that's why we're minting on immutable x so that you don't have to pay yet another ethereum gas fee on top to actually mint that nft it's being minted on immutable x which will probably save millions and millions and millions in gas fees in this land sale which is good that means that everyone that's a part of our community or wants to participate is not getting crushed by let's be honest disgusting gas fees on ethereum network so that's tier one through four land tier five can only be purchased in east this is you know illustrative of what we talked about earlier these two plots of tier v land this is going to be obviously some whales they're going to have a ton of yeast in their wallet and the entire transaction here on tier 5 land is going to go back through revenue distribution to to everyone who staked their ilv tokens eath only tier five land there it is perfect and then here's the other thing that everyone needs to know set up a meta mask if you don't have one already now obviously pretty much everybody already has one but just letting you know metamask is what you'll need to use uh when it comes to participating in this land sale it's going to be desk top only with metamask for this one we want to enable mobile in the future but it's desktop only and the really critical thing that everybody needs to know here is that meta mask is going to need to be connected to imx to complete all of these transactions uh along the way what would you like to add to this karen the unfortunate thing was we weren't able to fully integrate the mobile uh meta mask with uh with imx which you know i i we put that out in the article what 24 hours ago now and i don't think there's been too many people complaining about that most people in crypto are using desktop but it is something that we'll work on and and have hopefully a louvitar's it'll it should be ready by then so one of the reasons why we've purchased or why we've partnered with immutable x is so that the minting part of the transaction when that land is minted is going to be happening on imx layer 2. if you don't care about what that is exactly the point is there's no gas fee when the land is minted so you don't have to pay yet another savage ethereum gas fee no gas same thing same thing when you're trading as well so let's say you buy a whole bunch of land and your idea is to flip it the next day because you're flipping them on the imx platform the layer two there's no gas fees associated with that so if you're used to trading on openc for example you'll be used to paying those gas fees they don't exist on imax that's right this is really really exciting and in imx or immutable x um their their own game for example god's unchained has the most number of game of nfts of any game ever and so they really know what they're doing here and it's a scalable solution and we're really excited to be partnered with them it's a deep partnership with them because we anticipate there's going to be a lot of nfts that are going to be minted for elluvium and imx is the strongest partner in the space to help us with that so once again guys this was a lot of talking with karen and i karen and i have been talking about land nonstop if you couldn't tell we've been talking about land all day every day if you want to just read the article go to you can also just click the play button at the top of the article no joke it'll just read you the article if you don't even want to read it please do your own research everybody please look deeply into all of the aspects of this land sale make sure you do your own research and make sure that you fully understand what you're getting into and how all of this works any closing thoughts karen that you want to share with everyone today it's a pretty interesting time out there right now in terms of market conditions the positive thing to to look at if i if if i'm taking off my alluvium hat and i'm a just purely a community member the pricing has essentially halved since going back you know eight weeks ago just purely because the price of e has gone down so obviously i'm well aware that that might not help you if you had all of your uh your currency in eth or some other altcoin but if you're new to the space and you've just found alluvium essentially that pricing is as the starting pricing has just halved and so i would be looking at that as an advantage in this time but uh yeah outside of that we're just really really super excited to get this first sale done the biggest thing for me the most exciting thing out of absolutely everything is that we get to demonstrate revenue distributions for the first time ever right and i'm super excited about that as you know what that means is all of this revenue goes back to the people that are staked in the protocol it goes back to those community members and so you know a a sale of of this magnitude with this much hype around it and whatever even though we are in a bear market you know we're still going full scale ahead we still think it's going to be a really really awesome event and yeah i'm just super excited to be able to start distributing back revenue to the people who have backed us this entire time and that's great i'm excited about it too thank you everybody so much for watching i know this was a long one but there's a lot to know about land we'll see you in the next episode of eluvian insider and stay safe out there adios amigos